Painting&Calligraphy Activity
So as to enrich the extracurricular life of members in the painting& calligraphy club and improve students’ aesthetic judgment, on Saturday, 3rd December, Anqing Foreign Language School’s painting& calligraphy community held a sketch practice outdoors. Led by teachers Yang Yang and Song Ning, thirty-two club members participated in the activity.
The implementation of this event was the supplement and extension of in-class teaching. First of all, owing to the teachers’ elaborate planning program, students spent half an hour touring Anqing Gallery, appreciating artistic work such as calligraphy, fine arts and ceramics, which touched their creation inspiration.
Second of all, students conducted the outdoor sketch practice, during which the teachers carried through specialized guidance and in-depth explanation in terms of how to finish the composition of a picture, select the location of scenes as well as grasp the object perspective. Therefore, students completed their work after an hour and a half.
To sum up, with the conclusion of this marvelous event, club members expressed one after another that the outdoor sketch practice not only enriched their life experience, but also laid a solid foundation for their future growth in that the event cultivated their abilities in the appreciation of beauty& excellence, creativity values in addition to organizational capabilities.